Donate to Family Health Center

Dear Family Health Center Friends, It is amazing to me how the years have flown by since my appointment as President & CEO of this community gift we call Family Health Center (FHC)!  In that time, it has truly been my honor and privilege to work with a most caring and committed staff to increase quality of care, build strong community partnerships, strengthen sustainability, welcome warmly all people through our doors regardless of ability to pay and install an unparalleled level of commitment to excellence in healthcare. These have been exciting times! The truth is we only accomplish progress with YOUR support! I continue to be awed by the many ways our community demonstrates caring and commitment for people who are in dire need of healthcare and have been historically under served. Private citizens, local businesses, foundations, our healthcare community and local philanthropists continue to step up to the plate and breathe new life into FHC so that we can continue to strive to meet the growing demands placed before us. We understand it is only through these key community collaborations that we are able to meet the growing needs, and we are so grateful for the many ways our community has demonstrated immense responsibility and dedication. Yours in Service, Denise Crawford, MSW, MBA President and Chief Executive Officer.

Denise Crawford